Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

“What’s funny is the guys and girls who are lifting the most weight at CrossFit competitions are usually the one’s who do the lifts properly. Not many people are going to be able to press out a monster snatch, or have a knee touch the ground and still be able to stand up with the load overhead. How do they get so good at weightlifitng? It’s not a secret. They train the way they fight. You don’t get good at lifting by practicing it poorly.

If you are pressing out your snatches or jerks, or you are catching your cleans and letting your elbow touch your knees, YOU ARE LIFTING TOO HEAVY! All you are doing is practicing being inefficient. I promise you that if you lower the loads and practice moving efficiently, you will lift heavier loads sooner than if you always lift poorly and beyond what you are capacle of doing.”

Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.


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